The following parameters are used to authenticate the user submitting a Web Service request or Page Request.
Parameter |
Value(s) |
Token |
The user’s login token |
<or> |
UserName |
The user’s name |
UserCompany |
The user's company |
UserPassword |
The user’s password |
Web Service requests require using a token. The token is obtained from a call to the DAO Login Service. The calling software will pass login credentials to the Login Service and a token will be returned in the form of a GUID. All subsequent calls to obtain data or submit data will then use this token. The documentation in the following sections will show the types of data requests that can be made and each example will include the token obtained from the Login Service. Once the calling software finishes it processing, then a Logout call should be performed to release the resources.
The following sample shows a call to the Login Service. The token that is returned will be used for subsequent Web Service requests.
The following sample code shows how to perform a Logout.
Page Requests need to include the UserName, UserCompany, and UserPassword parameters. Note that the examples shown in this documentation use example UserName, UserCompany, and UserPassword parameters. If you are developing and testing software using the TitleSCAN Web demonstration site at, contact TitleSCAN Systems to obtain an account on that system so that you might gain access.
you are developing software that uses the TitleSCAN Direct Access Option
and wish to test that software using the TitleSCAN Web demonstration site
at, contact TitleSCAN Systems to obtain an
account on that system.