Why Plant Consolidation is Easy With
TitleSCAN Web
Plant consolidation is
not a new concept. Many of the earliest
automated plants were multi-county plants.
And, cost was the driving force then as it is
today, although it was the hardware
cost that was dominant.
Today, hardware is
cheap and becoming cheaper. It is the
ongoing labor cost of plant maintenance and the cost of
maintaining geographically distributed
hardware that is the driving force behind
plant consolidation.
TitleSCAN Web was
designed from the ground up to provide
distributed access to centralized plant data.
This data can reside on one or more servers
that are centralized or geographically
distributed for backup or redundancy purposes.
And, user workstations only need to run
Internet Explorer making it easy to support
existing users and add new users, since no
special workstation software is required.
Of course, if you are
running in a single location on a single local
area network, TitleSCAN Web will work
perfectly well. If you wish to do so,
you can always provide outside access, but
many users do not and restrict use to just
those workstations running locally or within a
corporate WAN.
So, whatever your
needs, one county or many, one location or
many, TitleSCAN Web is the answer. And,
if you add or change locations, add new
counties, want to provide services to others,
or just want to move data from one server to
another, this can be done with a few easy
configuration changes without disrupting
normal use.